Business Breaky Bites
Shout out to the amazing presentations at our first Business Breakfast...
Firstly to our valued sponsors Wercs Hire Pty Ltd Kilcoy Funeral Directors and Bebe's Country Weddings for supporting this event.
Ms Mel Porter from Lockyer Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Tourism gave us a brief presentation on the benefits of the Lockyer Gift card and how the local economy has been boosted by local spending. Since 2019, the Gift card system has injected over $140k into the Lockyer Valley through local spending with 50+ participating businesses.
Terri Cooper from Business Chamber Queensland spoke about the amazing free government funded support and initiatives available to support your business. Terri also provided the members with an update on ESG, "Environment Social Government" and procurement practices regarding government projects.
Free programs available through the Business Chamber Queensland will support businesses getting ready for procurement with all levels of government procurement.
What is ecoBiz you say?
ecoBiz is a free sustainability program, created in partnership with the Queensland Government, to help businesses audit their resource use, manage carbon emissions and save on costs while reducing consumption of waste, water and energy.
How can Workforce Evolve help?
Workforce Evolve is a self-paced program designed to help employers think differently about who they hire and how to retain them in the future.
Chloe Blake from the Business Chamber Queensland workforce team gave members a brief overview of the new IR reforms. If you employ anyone, then these reforms will impact your operations. The Business Chamber QLD provides resources to help businesses tackle recent and upcoming changes.
Many thanks to Bebe's Country Weddings for the beautiful breakfast of freshly made quiche and fruit cups. A special mention thanking Rudy & Ada for providing the delicious beverages.
Thanks to Jason Wendt, Mayor of Somerset Regional Council and Somerset Regional Council attendees, CEO and Director Planning and Development as well as Cr Brett Freese, Helen Brieschke, Michael Bishop and Cr Kylee Isidro for your support.
To our valued members, thanks to all of you who came along to hear from our wonderful presenters.
BroadcastBiz.TV Atodaka, Wercs Hire Pty Ltd, BlissOut by CC, Kilcoy Mechanical & Mowers, Kilcoy Motel, Filmertography, Sanctus Building Services, Fernvale Produce Mitre 10, Kilcoy Funeral Directors and visitor, Paul from Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Users